Howdy fans!
You may have heard about the two new bills being considered by congress, to increase regulation of the internet in the guise of making the internet "safer". I've studied this issue carefully, and I have to stand against it, and I encourage everyone to do the same.
As Americans, we are all about freedom. Freedom of the Press is what is at stake here. The internet is one of the last free markets there is. Because of this, there is a lot of evil on it, but it's the same with anything else. You are in control of what you look at, and let your children look at, so you are the one who should be policing your household's usage of the internet, NOT the government.
Almost any time the government has gotten involved in something, things have gotten worse. Need examples? Just look at Pres. Obama's administration. Remember he spent more than $300 Billion on stimulus packages--more than any other president in history--but things haven't gotten any better. Unemployment hasn't changed much, and prices continue to rise. Gas is still more than $3 a gallon. This "free" country is becoming a socialist state before our eyes. Don't let the government turn our internet into a police state as well!
You want protection from computer viruses? Get antivirus software like Norton. You want protection from porn and other garbage? Get family-safe browsing software. We already have the tools to protect ourselves. All the government will do is make more laws and regulations, drive the cost of everything up, and drive a lot of good sites like Wikipedia out of business.
Please contact your representatives right now and tell them to vote no on SOPA and PIPA. It's easy, and will only take a few minutes. Wikipedia has set up an awesome page to help you find out who your reps are. Just go
here to plug in your zip code, and contact links for your local representatives will pop up. These lead to their individual web page contact forms.
Thanks for reading, and stay smiling!